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Influence of process parameters on surface roughness of aluminum parts produced by DMLS

Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is an additive manufacturing technique for the fabrication of near net-shaped parts directly from computer-aided design data by melting together different layers with the help of a laser source. This paper presents an investigation of the surface roughness of aluminum samples produced by DMLS. A model based on an L18 orthogonal array of Taguchi design was created to perform experimental planning. Some input parameters, namely laser power, scan speed, and hatching distance were selected for the investigation.

Laser beam welding of dissimilar aluminium alloys of 2000 and 7000 series: effect of post-welding thermal treatments on the T-joint strength

Two experimental aluminium alloys (belonging to 2000 and 7000 series respectively) were welded using the laser beam welding (LBW) technique and an Al–Si alloy as filler. Different combinations of pre- and post-welding thermal treatments were proposed. The change of strength during aging treatments was investigated by microhardness measurements carried out on the weld and on the regions of the alloys not affected by the LBW process. The microstructure of the welded specimens was studied by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.

Electron beam melting of Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy: Microstructure and mechanical properties investigation

Gas atomized Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb powders have been used as precursor material in order to evaluate additive manufacturing for the production of near-net-shape γ-TiAl specimens to be employed in the field of aero-engines. In particular electron beam melting (EBM) is used to realize a selective densification of metal powder by melting it in a layerwise manner following a CAD design. The microstructure, the residual porosity and the chemical composition of the samples have been investigated both immediately after EBM and after heat treatments.

Electron Beam Melting of high niobium containing TiAl alloy: feasibility investigation

Third generation γ-TiAl alloys with a high niobium content, Ti–(47–48)Al–2Cr–8Nb, were processed by electron beam melting (EBM). This near-net-shape additive manufacturing process produces complex parts according to a CAD design. The starting powder is deposited layer by layer on the building table and selectively melted to progressively form the massive part. The EBM parameters such as layer thickness, melting temperature, scanning speed, or building strategy were set up to minimize porosity.

Direct Metal Laser Sintering: an additive manufacturing technology ready to produce lightweight structural parts for robotic applications

Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is an additive manufacturing (AM) technology for the fabrication of near netshaped parts directly from computer-aided design (CAD) data by melting together different layers with the help of a laser source. Its application for manufacturing three- dimensional objects represents one of the promising directions to solve challenging industrial problems. This approach permits to extend significantly the freedom of design and manufacture by allowing, for example, to create an object with desired shape and internal structure in a single fabrication step.

The ExoMet Project: EU/ESA Research on High-Performance Light-Metal Alloys and Nanocomposites

The performance of structural materials is commonly associated with such design parameters as strength and stiffness relative to their density; a recognized means to further enhance the weight-saving potential of low-density materials is thus to improve on their mechanical attributes. The European Community research project ExoMet that started in mid-2012 targets such high-performance aluminum- and magnesium-based materials by exploring novel grain refining and nanoparticle additions in conjunction with melt treatment by means of external fields (electromagnetic, ultrasonic, and mechanical).

Additive Manufacturing of Al Alloys and Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs)

In this chapter a large description of additive manufacturing techniques for obtaining Al alloys and Al matrix composites is given. Results on mechanical properties, roughness and microstructure achievable with such fabrication route on Al alloys are reported

Great 2020

L’obiettivo che la ricerca in campo aeronautico si pone da sempre è quello di soddisfare le richieste di un settore in costante crescita, offrendo standard qualitativi sempre più alti e adottando soluzioni sostenibili sotto il profilo ecologico ed economico.

Un impegno continuo che negli anni ha guidato l’evoluzione del settore, attraverso veloci progressi tecnologici, che hanno reso il trasporto aereo sempre più sicuro, comodo ed efficiente.
Oggi al mondo dell’aeronautica si chiede un nuovo e importante passo in avanti.
