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Concept and project objectives

L’obiettivo che la ricerca in campo aeronautico si pone da sempre è quello di soddisfare le richieste di un settore in costante crescita, offrendo standard qualitativi sempre più alti e adottando soluzioni sostenibili sotto il profilo ecologico ed economico.

Un impegno continuo che negli anni ha guidato l’evoluzione del settore, attraverso veloci progressi tecnologici, che hanno reso il trasporto aereo sempre più sicuro, comodo ed efficiente.
Oggi al mondo dell’aeronautica si chiede un nuovo e importante passo in avanti.

TiAlCharger - Titanium Aluminide Turbochargers

Improved Fuel Economy, Reduced Emissions

Project objectives

The main objective of the project is to develop a new reusable solution based on multifunctional hybrid concept with very high insulation and environmental protection capability during the atmospheric re-entry and the ability to reach a TRL level between 4 and 5 at the end of the project.

From this premise it is planned to achieve the following technical targets:

E-BREAK : Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems

E-BREAK (Engine BREAKthrough Components and Subsystems) is a large-scale integrated project, funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission that has started on October 2012 and that is expected to last until September 2016.

E-BREAK will contribute to reducing air traffic emissions by adapting sub-systems to new constraints of temperature and pressure.